
Injuries from Sports: What Sports Injuries are Most Common? How common are sports injuries? Exercise and sports are essential for keeping one's health in check, yet they frequently lead to injuries. Nearly one-third of all childhood injuries are caused by sports. The two types of injuries that occur most frequently in sports are sprains and strains. An abrupt force may cause a bone to break or fracture. The most frequent causes of bone fractures include trauma, osteoporosis, and overuse. Athletes frequently experience stress fractures, which are brought on by repetitive motion or overuse. Overuse injuries to the rotator cuff most typically affect elderly individuals and athletes who participate in overhead activities like baseball, tennis, basketball, golf, and swimming.   The knee, one of your body's major joints, is most vulnerable to injury. Fractures, dislocations, and muscle tears are the most typical sports-related knee injuries . The majority of these accidents happen duri